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* Borges, Jorge Luis

Seven Nights. 1977.

"The seven lectures which make up this volume were delivered by Borges in Buenos Aires at the Teatro Coliseo at intervals between June and August 1977." Translated by Eliot Weinberger.

Borges, Jorge Luis

Collected Fictions.

Translated by Andrew Hurley.


Borges, Jorge Luis & Bioy-Casares, Adolfo

Six Problems for Don Isidro Parodi. 1942.

"This work is a collection of spoof detective stories written in 1942 under the pen name of 'Bustos Domecq.' They tell the tale of a detective confined to a jail cell, and at the same time act as a satire on Argentine society. For years it was not made known that 'Bustos Domecq' was really Borges and Bioy-Casares." (A. Ruch)

Borges, Jorge Luis & Bioy-Casares, Adolfo

Chronicles of Bustos Domecq. 1969.

"With Adolfo Bioy-Casares. First published in 1969, this book is written as if it were the work of a fictional literary journalist, the same Bustos Domecq who supposedly penned Six Problems for Don Isidro Parodi. Chronicles is composed of short essays on subjects that range from "abstract art" to works of imaginary fiction. By bringing this pompous and witless critic to life, Borges and Bioy-Casares are able to slyly attack the precepts of modernism and literary criticism. It is a very funny book, with definite echoes of the Borgesian style he uses in his more straightforward fiction." (A. Ruch)

Borges, Jorge Luis & Bioy-Casares, Adolfo

New Stories of Bustos Domecq. 1977.

Published as 'Nuevos cuentos de Bustos Domecq'.

Borges, Jorge Luis & Bioy-Casares, Adolfo

Extraordinary Tales.

Translated by Anthony Kerrigan.

Borges, J. L. & Bioy-Casares, A. & Ocampo, S.

The Book of Fantasy.

Fantasy anthology of 81 stories, story fragments, and anecdotes (including many of the authors given in Borges' list 'The Library of Babel'. For a complete list of the contents see this Locus Magazine page.



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